
[세미나] Advanced and Practical Security Research for Building Trust - 황용호 상무 (삼성 리서치)

금일 저희 융합보안대학원에서는 삼성 리서치 황용호 상무님을 모시고

"Advanced and Practical Security Research for Building Trust" 주제로 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.

코로나19 확산방지를 위하여 원격수업으로(ZOOM) 진행할 예정입니다.


= 아 래 =

o 일시

20.11.10(화) 16:00~



접속 비밀번호: 별도 메일 공지



Title:   Advanced and Practical Security Reaserch for Building Trust.



Recently, smartphones, numerous IoT devices, and wearable devices have entered our daily lives with advances in IT technologies, significantly improving qualities of our lives with the convergence of big data, AI, and 5G technologies. Such advancements offer new and convenient experiences to end users. These benefits, however, provide a new security challenge to protect exponentially growing users’ private data in these circumstances, and to provide strong privacy assurances. Further, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has increased interests and demands for protection and transparent management of personal information. Considering these environmental and technological changes, we are rigorously working toward next-generation security technologies that are essential in providing more secure and privacy-preserving user experiences. However, even though the research goals of academia and industry are the same, the approaches and targets to solve problems might be sightly different respectively. In this task, I will provide security and privacy concerns in industrial point of view and introduce our efforts to ensure safe experiences for end users, including advanced security research being conducted at Samsung Research.



Yong Ho Hwang is a Vice President at Samsung Electronics, and leads the security team at Samsung Research. His team plays a crucial role in delivering innovative security solutions by conducting advanced researches on exploring cyber-attack techniques and developing protective measures. The primary goal of these research efforts is to enhance the security level of Samsung products, and address users’ privacy concerns. He received Ph.D. from POSTECH EEE, and worked in SPAR Lab/Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University as a post-doctoral researcher.