
[세미나] Understanding the Underbelly of Phishing Attacks - 조해현 교수 (숭실대)

다음주, 저희 정보보호대학원에서는 숭실대학교, 조해현 교수님을 모시고 "Understanding the Underbelly of Phishing Attacks" 주제로 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.

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= 아 래 =

o 일시
- 21.10.12(화) 16:00∼

※ 시작시간 5분전에 준비하여 주세요.

URL: https://zoom.us/j/2902905410
접속 비밀번호: 이메일 별도 공지




Title: Understanding the Underbelly of Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a critical threat to Internet users. Despite extensive research by the security community, phishing attacks remain profitable to attackers and continue to cause substantial damage not only to the victim users that they target, but also the organizations they impersonate. In recent years, phishing websites have taken the place of malware websites as the most prevalent web-based threat. Even though technical countermeasures effectively mitigate web-based malware, phishing websites continue to grow in sophistication and successfully slip past modern defenses. In a cat-and-mouse game with the anti-phishing ecosystem, sophisticated phishing websites implement evasion techniques to delay or avoid detection by automated anti-phishing systems, which, in turn, maximizes the attackers' return-on-investment. Thwarting phishers' evasion efforts is, thus, an important problem within the anti-phishing community, as timely detection is the key to successful mitigation.

In this presentation, we are going to see what the attackers are exploiting. First off, I’ll present a comprehensive measurement study of online social engineering attacks in the early months of the pandemic. Next, I’ll discuss on the security practices of CAs in the HTTPS phishing ecosystem to better understand the importance of the security practices of CAs and thwart the proliferating HTTPS phishing. Furthermore, I’ll present a large-scale evaluation result of the landscape of client-side cloaking used by phishing websites. Sophisticated client-side evasion techniques, known as cloaking, leverage JavaScript to enable complex interactions between potential victims and the phishing website, and can thus be particularly effective in slowing or entirely preventing automated mitigations.

Haehyun Cho’s research interests include the field of systems security, which is to address and discover security concerns stemmed from insecure designs and implementations. He is passionate about analyzing, finding, and resolving security issues in a wide range of topics. He joined Soongsil University in 2021. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the School of Software and the Co-Director of the Cyber Security Research Center, Soongsil University. Prior to joining Soongsil University, he received the Ph.D. degree from the School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering of Arizona State University, majoring in computer science, and especially concentrating on information assurance.

※ 카이스트 정보보호대학원 세미나는 카이스트 학생/교수, 그리고 Security@KAIST 컨소시움 Silver 등급 이상의 회원사에 무료로 제공됩니다.
