
[세미나] Security Engineering and Machine Learning - Ross Anderson 교수 (University of Cambridge)

다음주, 저희 정보보호대학원에서는 University of Cambridge, Ross Anderson 교수님을 모시고 "Security Engineering and Machine Learning" 주제로 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하고자 합니다.

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= 아 래 =


o 일시
- 21.10.26(화) 16:00∼


※ 시작시간 5분전에 준비하여 주세요.

URL: https://zoom.us/j/2902905410
접속 비밀번호: 이메일 별도 공지




Title: Security Engineering and Machine Learning

Statistical machine-learning techniques have been used in security applications for over 20 years, starting with spam filtering, fraud engines and intrusion detection. In the process we have become familiar with attacks from poisoning to polymorphism, and issues from redlining to snake oil. The neural network revolution has recently brought many people into ML research who are unfamiliar with this history, so it should surprise nobody that many new products are insecure. In this talk I will describe some recent research projects where we examine whether we should try to make machine-vision systems robust against adversarial samples, or fragile enough to detect them when they appear; whether adversarial samples have constructive uses; how we can do service-denial attacks on neural-network models; on the need to sanity-check outputs; and on the need to sanitise inputs. We need to shift the emphasis from the design of "secure" ML classifiers, to the design of secure systems that use ML classifiers as components.

Ross Anderson has devoted his career to developing security engineering as a discipline. He was a pioneer of hardware tamper-resistance, API security, peer-to-peer systems, prepayment metering and powerline communications. His other research extends from cryptography through side channels, and from the safety and privacy of clinical systems to technology policy. He was one of the founders of the discipline of security economics, and is PI of the Cambridge Cybercrime Centre, which collects and analyses data about online crime and abuse. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering, as well as a winner of the Lovelace Medal – the UK's top award in computing. He is professor of security engineering at both Cambridge and Edinburgh universities.

※ 카이스트 정보보호대학원 세미나는 카이스트 학생/교수, 그리고 Security@KAIST 컨소시움 Silver 등급 이상의 회원사에 무료로 제공됩니다.
