
2023.05.09(화) 정보보호대학원 2023년 봄학기 콜로퀴움 - Andrew Wesie

정보보호대학원에서는 5월 09일 오후 4시에 아래와 같이 콜로퀴움을 개최하고자 합니다. 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.


o 일 시: 23. 05. 09(화) 16:00~
o 주 제: Relic Protocol: The first provably secure source of historical data on-chain.
o 강 사: Andrew Wesie (Theori, CTO)
o 장 소: 온라인 ZOOM

※ 세미나 시작시간 5분전에 준비하여 주세요.


♣ Title: Relic Protocol: The first provably secure source of historical data on-chain


♣ Abstract

Smart contracts on Ethereum were designed to be Turing-complete with access to transient memory, permanent storage, and calls to other contracts. However, the ability of smart contracts to access storage is limited. Smart contracts can only access their own storage slots and only the current values in the storage slots. Additionally, smart contracts can query information about the current block and the hashes of recent blocks, but they cannot learn anything about ancient blocks. Relic Protocol solves both of these limitations by utilizing storage proofs and zero-knowledge (ZK) circuits. Storage proofs can prove the value within a storage slot for any contract at any block, if the hash of the block is trusted. ZK circuits can be used to verify the hash of the block is trusted, by building a proof that an ancient block hash is part of the current blockchain. This presentation will describe the architecture of Relic Protocol, why ZK circuits are helpful to accessing historical data, and the new generation of decentralized apps that can be built with access to historical data.


♣ Bio

Andrew Wesie is co-founder and CTO at Theori, a cybersecurity startup. He currently leads the blockchain research team which is developing the Relic Protocol. His research areas currently include smart contract security and zero-knowledge circuits. Prior to his work on blockchain security, he led the offensive security research team at Theori. He is a co-founder of the Plaid Parliament of Pwning capture-the-flag team which has won DEFCON CTF six times. He received his B.S. in Computer Science and Philosophy from Carnegie Mellon University.