
2024.07.04(목) 세미나 - 김형섭

안녕하세요. 전기및전자공학부 김용대교수 연구실에서 인디애나 대학교 블루밍턴 김형섭 교수님을 모시고 아래와 같이 세미나를 개최하고자 하오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참석 부탁드립니다.


o 일 시: 2024. 07. 04 (목), 3:00 - 4:30 pm
o 주 제: "Defeating Cyber and Physical Attacks in Robotic Vehicles"
o 연 사: 김형섭 교수 (Assistant professor at Indiana University Bloomington)
o 장 소: N5 2243호


♣ Title: Defeating Cyber and Physical Attacks in Robotic Vehicles


♣ Abstract

The use of robotic vehicles (RVs) is increasing dramatically. Indeed, RVs are used in a wide range of real-world scenarios in commercial and military settings, such as submarines under the ocean, sailboats on the water, rovers on the ground, and drones in the air. However, two primary threats significantly increase the risk of physical damage to RVs: (1) logic bugs causing deviations in an RV's physical behavior from the developer's expectations; and (2) physical sensor attacks—such as GPS spoofing and acoustic noise injection—that disturb an RV's sensor readings.

In this talk, I will introduce a recent line of efforts to defeat logic bugs and physical sensor attacks in RV control software and the lessons learned from those efforts. In particular, I will focus on discussing algorithms to discover logic bugs, help developers fix them, and test the correctness of the patches attempting to address them. Next, I will discuss the challenges of discovering the fundamental reasons for successful sensor attacks. Lastly, I will briefly talk about my future research directions that expand my research on RVs into other systems.


♣ Bio

Hyungsub Kim is an incoming assistant professor at Indiana University Bloomington. He obtained his Ph.D. from Purdue University in December 2023, co-advised by Prof. Dongyan Xu, Prof. Antonio Bianchi, and Prof. Z. Berkay Celik. His main research interest is developing program analysis, reachability analysis, and formal method techniques to defeat security threats against computer systems. His research efforts have been recognized by being selected as CPS Rising Stars from cyber-physical systems virtual organization (CPS-VO) funded by NSF. His research artifacts have been adopted by industries in the USA and UAE, as well as the US military. Before his doctorate, he worked at the Agency for Defense Development and contributed to control software for satellites and unmanned aerial vehicles in military applications.