
[세미나] Enabling Video Privacy for Commodity IoT Cameras - 한양대 이석복 교수

o 일정 및 장소

- 일시: 2019.4.9(화) 16:00~

- 장소: N1건물 110호



Title: Enabling Video Privacy for Commodity IoT Cameras


Speaker: Prof. Suk-Bok Lee (Hanyang University)



With various IoT cameras today, sharing of their video evidences, while benefiting the public, threatens the privacy of individuals in the footage. However, protecting visual privacy without losing video authenticity is challenging. The conventional post-process blurring would open the door for posterior fabrication, whereas the realtime blurring results in poor quality, low-frame rate videos due to the limited processing power of commodity cameras. This presentation will introduce Pinto, a software-based solution for producing privacy-protected, forgery-proof, and high-frame-rate videos using low-end IoT cameras. Pinto records a realtime video stream at a fast rate and allows post-processing for privacy protection prior to sharing of videos while keeping their original, realtime signatures valid even after the post blurring, guaranteeing no content forgery since the time of their recording. Pinto is readily implementable in today's commodity cameras. Our prototype on three different embedded devices, each deployed in a specific application context---on-site, vehicular, and aerial surveillance---demonstrates the production of privacy-protected, forgery-proof videos with frame rates of 17--24 fps, comparable to those of HD videos.



Suk-Bok Lee is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Hanyang University, Korea. He received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of California, Los Angeles in 2011. His research interests include computer networks, mobile systems, and wireless networking.


